Love is a complicated thing. but Woman are more complicated than love...
There are many types of love(love between both sex),for example:puppy love,fairytale love,mature love,romantic love,passion love,caring love,infatuated love,fake love,guilty love,possessive love and...
For me it is up to each individual to define what is the meaning of true love...if what one's need is a romantic love,then he/she would said that they found true love when they meet with a romantic person...
Love is complicated because it may not work well all the time...for example some ppl prefer passion love but what his partner might want is mature love...eventually both party will be breaking up unless both of them are willing to sacrifice for each other and give each other what they will never work under one party...if it's still work there will be either one party suffer because he/she insist on...
Like my mother,she likes possessive love..she used to control all of my father's life,so my father has to sacrifice...he has to report to her everyday and do anything under her permission,he is nt allowed to look at beautiful woman,not allowed to smoke and ...nevertheless it works coz my father is willing to let her controlled of his life ...
On the other hand,there are all kinds of woman too...different type of women like different kinds of love...but one common thing they share is that they are more complicated than love...
they keep on changing what they want...sometimes they want fairytale love,sometimes they want mature love,sometimes they want passion love,sometimes they dont want to love at all...for one second they may said they dont want to fall into any relationship,for next second they will probably said they met someone they love and are falling in love...
man will never ever understand what they want,what they think...when men ask them to said it out,they will just left it unanswered or answer it by putting question marks over man's mind...why dun they just said it and let man give them what they want?wont it will be more easier for both sides?the next thing is a man will never win quarrel against a woman...
im not blaming woman,im just saying they are really complicated...
p.s: im jus talking nonsense anyway ...
Tai Kun Ko Ni CI WA
14 years ago